Ethical Fashion Ways to Win in Style Without  the  Hurtful Consequences, Artisan Behind our products, sustainable and eco-friendly materials that we're using

Ethical Fashion in 2023: 9 Ways to Win in Style Without the Hurtful Consequences

For many years, trends rule the fashion world. The latest in fashion acts as a ticking timebomb, pushing consumers to buy, buy, and buy in order to stay in the fashion loop without regard for its consequences on the environment and the livelihood of people. With ethical fashion, the game has changed… for the better. 

If you’re pushing towards making more ethical fashion choices in 2023, here are ten ways you can do it. 

Nine Ways to Make Ethical Fashion Choices This 2023

Research and purchase from ethical and sustainable fashion brands.

You can start your journey to making more ethical fashion choices by going for fashion brands that are true and proven in sustainability

Take the time to research a brand’s history and origin, and also check for reviews if their sustainable fashion materials are legit. 

Look for certifications such as Fair Trade, Organic, and B Corp.

Fair Trade is a certification system that ensures that products are made with fair labor practices and environmentally sustainable methods. This can include fair wages, good working conditions, and a commitment to protecting the environment. 

B Corp certification is a certification for companies that meet certain standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. . Both certifications are intended to help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions and support companies that are committed to making a positive impact on society and the environment.

Consider the entire lifecycle of a product, from the materials and manufacturing to its end use and disposal.

Longevity is important in sustainability because it can help to conserve natural resources, reduce environmental pollution, save money for consumers and businesses, and support economic development in the manufacturing and repair sectors.

When checking out a potential buy, ask this question: “Is this product going to last, or is this just going to satisfy my fast fashion needs?” 

A clear answer on a product’s sustainability can help you make an informed decision on the fashion pieces you buy. 

Support small and local businesses that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.

Swap a fast-fashion option with a more sustainable alternative. 

Instead of a woven bag that uses plastic or synthetic straws, go for eco-friendly options that are also known for their longevity and durable features. Most handmade, eco-friendly woven bags now incorporate a unique pattern that simultaneously makes them heavy-duty and beautiful. 

Invest in high-quality, timeless pieces that will last for many years.

One of the ethical choices you can make in 2023 is buying classic fashion pieces that are versatile enough to be matched with multiple outfits and can be used for multiple seasons. 

Choosing fashion pieces that can be worn for years spares you from spending on fast-fashion items that could leave more carbon footprint. 


Buy second-hand clothing and give it a new life.

Before going for a new piece, consider checking second-hand shops. Second-hand shopping promotes a circular economy that reduces the demand for new goods.

By choosing second-hand stuff, you also help reduce demand for new goods produced through exploitative labor practices.


Understand and consider the conditions under which your clothes were made, including the treatment of workers.

It's crucial to check a brand's treatment of workers because it reflects the brand's values and ethical standards, and it can also have an impact on the quality and safety of the products. 

The fair treatment of workers helps to ensure that labor rights are respected and that workers are paid a fair wage. This can help to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of those that make your favorite fashion items. 

Educate yourself about the environmental and social impact of the fashion industry and use your purchasing power to make a difference.

Your purchase might be small, but it comes with far-reaching consequences. 

By prioritizing products that have fair labor practices, environmentally sustainable production methods, and transparency in the supply chain, you help reduce negative impacts and promote positive change in the industry. 

Choosing ethical brands can also enable you to make informed purchasing decisions that align with your values and contribute to a more responsible and equitable fashion industry.

Choose Ethical Fashion with Haraya

Haraya is created with sustainability in mind. Our brand aims to promote beautiful products created in an eco-friendly way. Our advocacy is not just focused on bringing intricate woven products to people who love them – we also ensure that people who create them are boosted as well. 

To see more of our products, click here. 

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