Incorporating Woven Style and Banig Accessories to Your Fall and Winter Fashion

Incorporating Woven Style and Banig Accessories to Your Fall and Winter Fashion

Can a summer staple really be part of your fall and winter wardrobe? 

We understand the hesitation – banig accessories and woven fashion products have been associated with summer and spring for a long time that matching them with boots and fur sounds far-fetched. 

But we’re not advocates for sustainable fashion if we don’t know we have some fashion tricks on our sleeves to help you use your favorite woven fashion accessories even in the bundle-up season. 

If you have handmade woven bags or banig accessories in your closet that are waiting for you to bring them out for your winter ensemble, here are some tips on how you can put them to good use. 

Why Banig Accessories Are Great Even for Fall and Winter Use

Banig bags and accessories are called versatile for a major reason – you can mix and match them with both flowy dresses and thick, cashmere layers. 

Banig accessories and handmade woven bags are durable. 

Your handwoven bags and trinkets – especially the authentic ones – are built to stand wear and tear, and even the cold. You won’t have to worry about compromising the contents of your bag for the sake of fashion. 

Unlike leather, banig bags for office or school use won’t easily earn water and moisture marks, or damage for being exposed to the snow. 

With Woven Bags, Laptop Holders, and Wallets, You Can Dress Up and Dress Down

Woven creations from the Philippines are classy. Each piece can be paired with your formal ensembles and your casual outfits. 

This amazing feature of woven products makes them a perfect pick for anyone who does not want to hoard multiple bags, laptop holders, wallets, and accessories for different styles. 

Whether you’re attending a formal event or going out and about town, woven fashion pieces got you covered. 

How to Style Woven Bags and Banig Accessories for the Winter

So how do you complete your favorite fall and winter style with woven accessories? 

Apart from creativity, you can take these quick and easy steps to seamlessly blend in your woven accessories with the looks you’re eager to wear this fall and winter. 


Find Woven Accessories That Fit the Your Wardrobe’s Color Palette

One of the best and easiest ways to match your handmade woven accessories with your fashion ensembles is to match them with the color palette you are planning to play with the entire fall and winter. 

Use color as your guide instead of the overall look that you’re aiming for since you can quickly mix, match, and contrast your woven bags and accessories with the colors you will be wearing all season. 

You can match dark colors with neutral shades, or colorful accessories with bold, structured shades of black and white.


Match Your Accessories with Your Overall Outfit Vibe

If you’re wanting to add banig and woven jewelry and trinkets for your fall-slash-winter OOTDs, You can also base on the overall vibe you’re planning to wear frequently. 

You can go for simple and dainty accessories if you’re wearing bolder, louder ensembles. Or you can opt to don those chunky, statement woven jewelry pieces to give your outfits that little “oompf” factor. 

Choose a Monochromatic Design So You Can Use The Accessories for Multiple Ensembles

We get you – woven and winter can feel like an intimidating combination. 

If you’re still on the fence about debuting an ensemble that boldly pairs woven and winter fashion, our best advice is to go for monochromatic handmade woven bags, wallets, and accessories. 

The best thing about a monochromatic design is you can still look fashionable and elegant without leaving the safe zone. 

Don’t be Afraid to Add an Edgy Woven Bag to Your Outfits

One of our customers told us “I used the Kaha laptop holder and versatile bag in my office one day. I reached out for it because I couldn’t find something that brings out the edgy, stand out qualities of the ensemble of my choice.” 

If you want to incorporate the bold and the beautiful into your fashion get-ups this fall and winter, go for edgy, woven bags with a modern take. 

Visit Haraya for Your Winter and Fall Woven Bags and Accessories 

If flaunting woven bags and accessories is on your agenda this winter, you can check out Haraya’s latest woven products. 

Haraya is a US-based store that sells Philippine-made woven products to boost fashion, and to help local artisans continue the beautiful art of weaving. 

Check out Haraya’s collection today. 

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